Val Verde RV Park & Apartments
1400 West Business 83
Donna, TX 78537
956 - 464 - 5101
Early History
Val Verde RV Park & Apartments is located in Donna, Texas in Hidalgo County. January 22. 1934 Elsie Pearl Truskett owned what was then known as "the swimming pool property" in Hidalgo County, Val Verde Subdivision.
Aviator, race car driver and inventor Eddie Rickenbacker was a friend of H. P. Hansen (who was working to see his dream become a reality in Val Verde). Hansen planned for the area to become a city. The country club, pool and motel were just the beginning. Unfortunately Hansen was killed while driving his Rickenbacker car from Mexico back to Val Verde in 1927
It is said that Bette Davis, Hollywood actress, stayed in the top floor of the tower while on vacation.
In the early 1920’s the area was known as the Val Verde Country Club. Neighbors recalled limousines pulling up and letting out prospective landowners dressed in the finest fashions. People came by train and danced all evening by the huge swimming pool. There has been speculation that Al Capone spent time at the establishment and that there was illicit gambling taking place in the basement during that time.
The US Olympic swimming team trained at the pool for two weeks during the 1920’s as it was said to be the only Olympic size pool in the area. Olympic hopeful and movie star Esther Williams performed at the Val Verde pool.
In the 1970’s Bill Haley (of rock and roll group “Bill Haley and the Comets” fame in the 50’s and 60’s) bought the park and owned it through 1981.
Val Verde RV Park & Apartments is said to be the longest continually operating RV park in the area. Its history is certainly colorful and we who call it home in the winter months love the closeness and feeling of family.
We invite YOU to join us…………..